Boosts your HRs’ productivity and help them interact with employees more efficiently to manage employee life cycles, improve employee satisfaction and cut employee turnover? Leveraging a ServiceNow HR Service Delivery solution
Enabling employees to reach out to HR much easier than through a visit, phone call or email. To ask a question or request a service, employees can create cases in ServiceNow where they are automatically assigned to HR specialists and then handled. To find answers to their questions, employees can also use a searchable HR-related knowledge base to read articles relevant for their job status. Thus, the application allows standardizing, tracking, managing and reporting on your HRs’ case management efforts and helps employees handle their inquiries faster, at times even without involving HR.
Creating a user-friendly portal for employees to interact with HR easily. Your employees can access relevant knowledge articles, ask questions in a live or bot-powered chat, request assets and HR services, track and execute HR tasks (e.g., sign documents or fill out surveys) and more. The app additionally allows HRs to run employee campaigns to keep employees informed on corporate matters, stimulate event participation, etc.
Managing employee life cycles and enabling related cross-departmental collaboration. HRs can easily perform sets of activities associated with employee on- and off-boarding, promotions, parental leaves, relocations, etc. and guide employees through each life cycle event step by step. HRs can also collaborate with representatives from other departments on employee life cycle activities, for example, with IT specialists on workstation provisioning.
Providing your HR department with a centralized employee document storage. The application enables not only collecting, storing, searching and retrieving documents but also managing access to them and automating associated retention and purging activities (according to your respective policies). The app also allows placing legal holds on documents needed for litigation purposes to prolong their retention period.
Setting up intricate analytical capabilities to look for deep HR performance insights and forecast trends
Leveraging machine learning to analyze descriptions and titles of cases and automatically categorize, route and prioritize them
Building a chatbot for your Employee Service Center to handle common inquiries without involving a real HR specialist
Raise employee satisfaction, minimize employee turnover and reduce related costs
Through simplified employee life cycle processes, increased reachability of HR services, expedited employee case management and a possibility to carry out and analyze employee surveys
Improve HR specialists’ productivity
By automating case categorization, routing and prioritization and avoiding HR specialists’ burnout by handling the most common employee questions through knowledge articles and chatbots
Out-of-the-box modules of ServiceNow HR don’t support all the HR processes that your organization may have, for example, applicant tracking, employee training and performance management. To let you use ServiceNow’s remarkable capabilities for making your HR productive and flexible, we can:
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